Caring for the Kimberley |
Contents |
K.S. Research on Kachana: Aquatic. |
Very little understanding or research has been undertaken on the study of the impact of fire on our aquatic systems, and particularly what impact poor fire management is having on the upper catchment areas in the Kimberley. Much has been recorded on the impact of introduced animals such as cattle and donkeys and the impact overstocking has had on our rangelands and on our aquatic systems. Almost no study has been undertaken on the positives of using these introduced animals to manage our much changed Kimberley landscape including its aquatic systems. Fire is still the primary management preferred tool used by Kimberley landcare and natural resource managers. Aquatic research on Kachana is still in its early stages however the report by Dr Andrew Storey leads the way in an innovative scientific assessment of the way we perceive our waterways of the rangelands today and the way they perhaps should be. Honours research project on the Western Rainbow fish , Melanotaenia australis, undertaken by Ryan Phillips in 2004 is the first study of populations genitics of its kind in the Kimberley. The fresh water fish identification protect by Steve McIntosh is ongoing and as additional information is recorded this information will be up-loaded. Preliminary sedge species identification has commenced in the Cleanskin Gorge system and information will be available shortly. Some preliminary work has also been undertaken on mound springs and this information will also be made available shortly. The report by Anna Price provides an insight into potential aquatic and terrestrial base line data research projects on Kachana.